UK IMO Register: Olympiad reports

International Mathematical Olympiad

Each year from 1991 onwards, the Team Leader has written a report on that year’s IMO for general distribution. All of these are available here (as produced by the Leaders without any subsequent editing for content; the versions published in the UKMT Yearbooks and elsewhere have generally been edited and cut in one way or another), as are some reports from previous years and some additional or unofficial reports and observations by other people. I am still seeking some reports from 1980 to 1983 inclusive to complete the collection. Additional unofficial reports are also welcome.

Balkan Mathematical Olympiad

The UK has competed in the Balkan Mathematical Olympiad from 2005 onwards, with the 2008 team being a joint UK and Ireland team; reports, except for 2006, are available here.

Romanian Master of Mathematics

The UK has competed in the Romanian Master of Mathematics (originally Master in Mathematics) from 2008 onwards; reports are available here.

China Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad

The UK competed in the China Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad (the precise English name of this competition varies from source to source) in 2010. A report is available here.

European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad

The UK has competed in the European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad from 2012 onwards; reports are available here.


All the reports from 1996 onwards were provided by their respective authors or typesetters in electronic form; I did the HTML conversions here. Older reports were scanned in; Tony Gardiner provided the reports from 1991 to 1995, David Monk those from 1980 (Mersch), 1982, 1984, 1986 and 1990 and the DfES those from 1985, 1987, 1988 and 1989. The TeX source of the 1993 report here is derived from the printed report and from the TeX source of an abridged version provided by Adam McBride. Reports from The Mathematical Gazette appear by permission of the Mathematical Association. Reports from Mathematical Spectrum appear by permission of the Applied Probability Trust. Angus Rodgers pointed me to the reports in Science Teacher, and Amites Sarkar pointed me to the reports in Mathematical Spectrum.

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Contact: Joseph Myers (
Last updated: 10 May 2024